Six of Cups Tarot Card Meaning - Upright & Reversed

Six of Cups Tarot Card Meaning - Upright & Reversed

14 Dec, 2021 / Tarot

Six of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

The primary meaning of the Six of Cups is about nostalgic moments of the past. It indicates innocence, childhood, and positive experiences that still fill you with joy and happiness. The card is about compassion and feelings of playfulness and by reading this card you may explore various interesting Tarot interpretations that are enlightening and beneficial. Curious to know about Six of Cups Upright and Reversed Tarot Card meanings? Explore the Six of Cups Tarot guide and find out what does the Six of Cups Tarot means in love, career, money, health, and spiritual readings.

Six of Cups Key Facts

The Six of Cups is the Sixth tarot in the Suit of Cups. It is a prominent card in the Minor Arcana Card list that speaks of reconciliation with ex or past love. Here are some key facts related to this Sixth card from the Cups’ suit.
  • Number: 6
  • Element: Water
  • Planet: Sun
  • Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Read further to learn more about the Tarot of Six of Cups.

Six of Cups Tarot Card Description

Six of Cups Tarot Card Meaning Upright   Six of Cups Tarot Card Meaning Reversed
Revisiting the past, innocence, childhood memories, joy, playfulness, reunion, comfort Stuck in the past, lacking playfulness, forgiveness, leaving home
The illustration of Six of Cups depicts a young boy who is presenting a cup filled with flowers to a little girl. The girl is overwhelmed by this gesture and she is looking at the boy with love and respect. The passing of flowers symbolizes the happy reunions and the gentle act by the boy signifies innocence and co-operation. In the foreground, there are five more cups, out of which four are placed in the forefront while one is placed behind the boy on a podium. These cups are also filled with flowers representing love, peace, and harmony. The portrayal of the young boy and girl represents childhood innocence. In the background, an older man can be seen walking away, signifying that you should enjoy this time of youth, and freedom leaving worries of adulthood. The house in the card speaks of safety and comfort. It also signifies missing family and home that are part of happy memories of your past. So, this was all about images and symbolism of the Six of Cups Tarot card. As the different types of Major Arcana Cards, this card also offers interpretations in past, present, and future positions.

Six of Cups Tarot Readings

Six of Cups Past Interpretations

In the past position, the appearance of Six of Cups Tarot indicates that you have had a stable and loving upbringing. You enjoyed various happy moments that still bring smiles to your face when you think of them. Relieve them to cherish your soul but don’t get carried away or get stuck into them.

Six of Cups Present Interpretations

The Six of Cups Tarot in the present position is a sign that you are spending too much time thinking of your past memories. You are so indulged in it that you have forgotten living in the present. Open yourself to new possibilities if you want to grow and have better experiences in life.

Six of Cups Future Interpretations

The Six of Cups Tarot indicates that you should reminisce the pleasant memories of your past to boost your future endeavors. Even if things were not good, learn from the life lessons and use them to make informed decisions. Think of the dreams that you’ve had as a child and put effort to accomplish them. Check out the Yes or No Tarot reading of Six of Cups from Rider Waite, a deck with standard tarot card size cm or inches.

Six of Cups Yes & No Interpretation

Six of Cups in Yes or No reading predicts neither a yes nor a no. It is a neutral card that only offers positive affirmation in the reading of reconciliation. For all the other general readings, the Six of Cups Tarot meaning depends upon the querent’s question. Check out the outcomes of Six of Cups in Yes or No reading for the following questions. Do they like me? If you have known them for a long time, especially since childhood, then the Six of Cups offers an affirmative reading. Will I meet my love? Yes, the future looks promising and there are strong chances that you will meet your true love. This may be someone you know for a long time or a childhood friend. Does my Ex love me? Yes, the Six of Cups suggests that your ex loves you and thinks of you as a partner they can never forget. Will my Ex come back? Yes, there are strong chances of reconciliation. The Six of Cups predicts strong chances of coming back of your ex-lover. If you flip the Six of Cups and Hierophant yes or no card, then it is a strong affirmation that your past holds answers to all your questions.

Six of Cups Upright Card Meanings In A Tarot Reading or Spread

Six of Cups Upright Tarot Card Meanings:
Upright Love Meaning   Upright Career Meaning Upright Finance Meaning Upright Health Meaning Upright Spiritual Meaning
Reconciliation, healing from past hurts, reliving good memories Back to previous work, learning important career lessons, not repeating past mistakes, creative work, support, yearning Moving back with parents, sharing financial assets, monetary gifts, monetary support, charity Health issues due to hectic work schedule, focus on health Simple spiritual practices, rediscovering spiritual rituals

General Meaning of Six of Cups Upright Tarot

The Six of Cups Tarot meaning in general speaks of childhood memories, nostalgia, and past influences. It indicates that you may be thinking of past memories or someone who has influenced your life positively, possibly your ex. The Minor Arcana Cards also represent simplicity, playfulness, innocence, and goodwill. It shows that no matter how tough things were in the past for you, now you will be supported and protected. The Six of Cups Tarot meaning also suggests that you should get in touch with your inner child. You should connect with your inner child and stay curious, open-minded, and enthusiastic. Alternatively, the card also speaks of immaturity and childishness. It represents homesickness if you are living far from your family or hometown.

Six of Cups Tarot Upright in Love and Relationships Readings

The meaning of Six of Cups in love speaks of the revival of the past. If you are single, the Six of Cups signify that there are chances of return of your ex-lover or ex-partner. The card also shows that you may be romantically involved with someone from your childhood or hometown where you have spent your childhood. If you are already in a relationship, the Six of Cups suggests that you and your partner are going through tough times. You both may be looking backward at times when things were happy and comforting. Even if this is the case, Six of Cups suggests that you should not be held back by these memories for long. Live in the present moment and let the past nourish your future.  If you receive the King of Cups tarot card alongside the Six of Cups, then it’s a strong indication that you should control your swaying emotions rather than being stuck in the past.   [xyz-ips snippet="are-you-lucky-in-love"]

Six of Cups Tarot Upright in Career and Work Readings

When it comes to career reading, the Upright Six of Cups Tarot signifies a positive sign. It speaks of creativity, goodwill, and sharing practices that help in career progression. The card indicates that this is a good time when you should take part in creative or group assignments. Re-evaluating your past works can also help in grasping great lessons in terms of career. Thus, think back on what you did wrong or what helped you to get here. Alternatively, the Six of Cups tarot meaning also points that you may work with youth or get any project associated with the children.

Six of Cups Tarot Upright in Money Readings

The appearance of Six of Cups in a financial reading speaks of goodwill. The card signifies that you may give or receive gifts or give money to charity. It also represents financial windfalls that may come to you in the form of inheritance. The tarot of Six of Cups suggests that there are chances that you will return to your parental home. This may be helpful in saving money and reducing your expenditures. Moreover, this tarot signifies that you may be creating your will or indulging in the creation of it.

Six of Cups Tarot Upright in Health Readings

When the Six of Cups tarot appears in a health reading, it signifies you are concerned about someone who is not well or facing health issues. If this is the case, reach out to them and offer them the necessary help. The appearance of the card is also an indication that due to a hectic work schedule you are unable to focus on your health. You may be facing a lot of stress and this may be hitting your mental and physical capability to work. The Six of Cups Tarot urges that you should adapt to five health basics- Movement, nutrition, sleep, stress management, and social connection.

Six of Cups Tarot Upright in Spiritual Readings

Spiritually, the Six of Cups Tarot meaning suggests that you should follow simple practices to attain spiritual knowledge. You should not move towards complicated methods just because you think they may accelerate your spiritual progress. The meaning of the Six of Cups Tarot suggests that it is highly likely that you will find some traditions or rituals, possibly that you used to perform in childhood. This may be helpful in your spiritual journey and attaining divine knowledge. So, this was everything about Upright Six of Cups Tarot interpretations. Now, learn about the interpretations of the Six of Cups Tarot when it appears in the reversed position. The best thing about the Tarot is that you need not know about your rising sign or zodiac sign. You may find about your career, life situations, love compatibility, etc. just by flipping the Tarot. However, if you are curious about what is a zodiac sign and how to know your zodiac sign by name, then you may easily find it on an online astrology app.

Six of Cups Reversed Card Meanings In A Tarot Reading or Spread

Six of Cups Reversed Tarot Card Meanings:
Reversed Love Meaning   Reversed Career Meaning Reversed Finance Meaning Reversed Health Meaning Reversed Spiritual Meaning
Stuck to past love, inability to move forward, failure to accept present Leaving comfortable job situation, repetitive negative patterns Financially independent, leaving the parental place Health issues due to genetics, childhood trauma Stuck with old spiritual beliefs, need to discover new methods for spiritual growth

General Meaning of Six of Cups Reversed Tarot

The Six of Cups Reversed Tarot signifies that you should leave your past and look forward to new beginnings. No matter how beautiful or traumatic the past was, living in the present can help you grow mature and content. Look at the Six of Cups Tarot as an opportunity to learn and grow by acknowledging the past patterns. Moreover, the Six of Cups Tarot meaning suggests that you might have lost the touch with your inner child. Your life is becoming repetitive, boring, and stale. This is the time when you should open yourself to new experiences and change the things that are making you feel stagnant.

Six of Cups Tarot Reversed in Love and Relationships Readings

The meaning of Six of Cups reversed love Tarot is different from the upright one. If you are already in a relationship, it suggests that the things that you were running away from will soon resurface. You will deal with the past issues and may feel stagnated. Alternatively, the Six of Cups reversed in relationships represent a lack of passion and enthusiasm. You may be missing the spark that was once between you and your partner. If you are single, the reversed Tarot, Six of Cups speaks of leaving the past. It urges you to stop thinking of your ex and make a new start in terms of love and friendship. The card tells that holding onto your past won’t serve you any good. It will only restrict you from seeing new love possibilities and finding a good partner for yourself. So, let bygones be bygones and embrace the love that the Universe is sending to your life. To explore love possibilities in the future, it is advisable to chat with psychic experts on the best tarot app.

Six of Cups Tarot Reversed in Work and Career Readings

In the career reading, the Six of Cups Tarot reversed indicates a feeling of boredom and stagnation. You may not be seeing any career progress or feeling frustrated with the current stale environment of your work. There are chances that you are thinking to get out of the comfort and security of your current field or job and finding a job that is more exciting and fulfilling. Alternatively, you may be enjoying your work and now it’s time for you to come out of your comfort zone. You should push your limits and look for something that could accelerate your career progress. The appearance of the Six of Cups Tarot tells that you should be vigilant at work as repeating the negative patterns of the past may cause trouble and severe loss. [xyz-ips snippet="the-magician-or-emperor"]

Six of Cups Tarot Reversed in Money Readings

The reversed Six of Cups Tarot signifies that you are turning financially mature. You are realizing the need of curbing expenses and saving money for the future. The appearance of reversed Six of Cups indicates that you have learned to manage your money and it will likely help you to grow your wealth and assets. If you have been living with your parents, this is the time when you are ready to move out and live on your own.

Six of Cups Tarot Reversed in Health Readings

The Six of Cups reversed Tarot indicates genetic health issues or trauma caused due to some childhood incident. It signifies that injuries from your youth are also likely to reoccur. There are chances that you may feel haunted due to something that has happened in the past. The tarot of Six of Cups tells that you need to let go of the past and fill yourself with positive thoughts. You should embrace your inner child and live each moment with fun like a small child does.

Six of Cups Tarot Reversed in Spiritual Readings

In the spiritual reading, the tarot of Six of Cups reversed suggests discovering new beliefs. It urges you to open your mind and embrace perspectives that could help you develop spiritually. Don’t get stuck with practices or traditions that you’ve learned in youth or childhood. Be confident and follow practices that resonate with you at present.

Six of Cups Tarot As Feelings

How am I feeling? You are feeling curious and enthusiastic about this person. You feel there is a strong connection between you and this person, something that people generally share with their childhood friends. You feel like you have reached home when this person is around and there is nothing more pleasurable for you now. Six of Cups Tarot Card as how someone sees you! The Six of Cups Tarot meaning shows that the person is still stuck with their past. They are not intended to be with you as their feelings are strongly attached to their ex. Alternatively, the Six of Cups Tarot also means that they feel that they know you for a long time. You might remind them of someone from the past who was good and warm with them.

Important Card Combinations

The Six of Cups and Hermit

When the Six of Cups appears alongside the Hermit tarot card, then it means that you are reminiscing about your past things. You are evaluating previous events and getting guidance to proceed further.

The Six of Cups and The Wheel of Fortune

The Six of Cups Tarot and the Wheel of Fortune Tarot meaning suggests that you should introspect your past events, memories, and patterns to find your life purpose. You are at the stage where you feel accomplished and content and this may make your life feel dull and stale. Thus, connect with your inner child and regain the optimism and ambition that you had once.

The Six of Cups and Page of Cups

When the Six of Cups appears with the Page of Cups tarot card, then it is a sign that someone you’ve loved will connect with you again. You will revive all the past memories and live the happy moments again that you have once had with your past love.

Six of Cups Tarot Card Meaning Summary

The Six of Cups is the card of innocence and nostalgia. When the card appears in the Upright position it means revisiting the past memories and experiencing the naive and happy moments. In the reversed position, the Tarot of Six of Cups speaks of different. It tells that you are stuck in the past and it is making you behave childish, immature, and unrealistic. To get clearer insights into the Tarot interpretations, it is necessary to read the card that comes alongside the Six of Cups tarot. Interested to know more about different types of Tarot cards? Read our detailed tarot guide or consult with expert psychics to find the various Tarot meanings and interpretations. Also, get instant solutions and guidance for all your life problems.
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Written by

Shreya Sharma

Being qualified as an engineer, Shreya Sharma never thought that her sideline will one day become her profession. She is an excellent imaginator and a profound daydreamer. She finds great interest in sitting under the sun, reading fiction work while sipping on some coffee. Presently working as a content creator, she pours her heart out in providing content for blogs, technical posts and websites. She aims to walk on a boulevard that has blooming flowers of peace and prosperity

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