The Wheel Of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning - Upright And Reversed

The Wheel Of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning - Upright And Reversed

10 Aug, 2021 / Tarot

The Wheel Of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning

If the Wheel Of Fortune card is the one that fascinates you in the tarot card reading, then you must gain an in-depth insight into the Wheel Of Fortune tarot card meaning. The Fortune wheel tells you various interesting things about different aspects of your life. When it comes to love, the Wheel Of Fortune love interpretations can guide you in the right direction. These are also decrypted as Wheel Of Fortune tarot relationship readings. The Wheel Of Fortune tarot also tells you about someone’s feelings for you. It happens when you get a Wheel Of Fortune as feelings card. No matter the context, the Wheel Of Fortune tarot meaning mainly points towards the fact that what goes around, comes around. It is one of those major arcana tarot cards that tells you to keep moving no matter what. Here you must know that the Wheel Of Fortune meaning doesn’t remain the same always. It depends upon the position in which it is drawn. While the Wheel Of Fortune cards represent luck in the upright position, the Wheel Of Fortune reversed card points towards the lack of control. To interpret the Wheel Of Fortune tarot card you need to keep a lot of things in mind. The Wheel Of Fortune tarot love readings points towards changes in a relationship where you need to make adjustments. With the positive nature of the Wheel Of Fortune tarot card, it always represents a yes in Wheel Of Fortune yes or no readings. This is irrespective of the Wheel Of Fortune tarot card position. The Wheel Of Fortune tarot card meaning yes or no remains the same. The wheels of Fortune are associated with four zodiac sign by name which are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. To develop the Wheel Of Fortune strategy in your readings, you must consider all aspects of this card. The position plays a significant role here. So never ignore the outcome of the Wheel Of Fortune reversed love reading. The only aspect where the position doesn’t impact the outcome is when it appears in a Wheel Of Fortune reversed yes or no reading. Despite knowing everything about the Wheel Of Fortune, you can get better results in free love tarot card reading done by an expert. Now let’s know what this card has to say in different aspects of your life individually.

The Wheel Of Fortune Description

Before diving straight into the Wheel Of Fortune tarot card meaning, let us first see what the image on the Wheel Of Fortune tarot card represents. It is crucial because, with many small elements, the Wheel Of Fortune tarot meaning is altered. Also in a Tarot card reading, you must know what to give emphasis to while reading the Wheel Of Fortune tarot card. In the standard tarot card sized Wheel Of Fortune, the primary attraction is the center wheel. It comprises four letters, T, A, R, & O, written on the concentric circle. Together they form two words, TARO which means Tarot, and ROTA meaning wheel. So it depicts a Fortune wheel tarot. The four creatures placed on the corners of the Wheel Of Fortune tarot are the guardians of the world. They are also the four zodiac sign by name Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. These are represented by an angel, lion, eagle, and bull on the Wheel Of Fortune cards. Now coming to the primary element, the wheels of Fortune are surrounded by three elements. A snake, which represents knowledge and wisdom to identify the good from the evil. A sphinx on top of the Wheel Of Fortune tarot that shows the problems we face in life. And a dog-like figure to show the animalistic desires that we possess. These elements need to be interpreted wisely to get the most accurate predictions in Wheel Of Fortune tarot relationship readings, or any other readings. Curious, what does Wheel of Fortune mean when drawn in an online free tarot app for android? Read this quick guide and get detailed interpretations of the Wheel of Fortune for love, career, money and other life aspects.
The Wheel Of Fortune Upright General Meaning The Wheel Of Fortune Reversed General Meaning
Life Cycle, Turning Point, Changes, Unexpected Events, Karma Bad Luck, Resistance To Change, Delays, Lack Of Control, Pessimism

The Wheel Of Fortune Upright Tarot Meanings

The Wheel Of Fortune Upright Tarot Card Meanings
Upright Love Upright Career Upright Finance Upright Health Upright Spirituality
Changes, Openness, Adjustments Luck, Opportunities, Adapting To Changes Turning Point, Flexibility In finances, Prepared For Change Battling Health Issues, Emotional Disturbances, Slow Down In Life Fate, Luck, Spiritual Path, Opportunities, Divine Hints

General Meaning Of Wheel Of Fortune Upright

The most popular and believed Wheel Of Fortune meaning is that life never stops for anyone or anything. It shows a continuous movement. The Fortune tarot card meaning remains this for questions related to any aspect of life. It is one of those major arcana tarot cards that shows that you will be given a lot of chances where you have to make the tough decisions. The Wheel Of Fortune tarot love interpretation says that luck will be by your side when it comes to your romantic life. But the general meaning of Wheel Of Fortune upright also wants you to consider your fate and Fortune. This is all true when the Wheel Of Fortune tarot card appears in the upright position. We will also see what it means to have a Wheel Of Fortune reversed card later in this blog.

The Wheel Of Fortune Upright In Love And Relationships Readings

In the Wheel Of Fortune love readings when the card appears in the upright position, it points towards the possibility of changes. In some cases, these changes may come when you are least expecting them. With the Wheel Of Fortune card in your love reading, you and your partner will be put on the flame of testing. It is time to show how much you mean every promise that you have made to your lover. The Wheel Of Fortune tarot wants you to go through the transition process with your partner. The Wheel Of Fortune upright in love and relationships readings point out the changes that are not necessarily negative. In the Wheel Of Fortune tarot love reading it is clear that whatever will come your way, either good or bad, will not stay forever as the Fortune wheel keeps on rotating. Here, The Empress tarot card meaning is something to look up to. With its motherly instinct, it provides the feeling of comfort in a relationship. [xyz-ips snippet="are-you-lucky-in-love"]

The Wheel Of Fortune Upright In Work And Career Readings

The Wheel Of Fortune tarot card when it appears in the career reading predicts that you are having a great time at work. This is primarily because there is no stagnation in your work. The Wheel Of Fortune upright in work and career readings shows that you are adapting to these changes quite well. Here the wheels of Fortune represent the opportunities that you are getting to advance your career. Also, it is a clear indication that your luck is by your side. Getting the Wheel Of Fortune tarot here is a good sign if you have been planning to make a shift in your career. Like in the Wheel Of Fortune, yes or no reading, it is a big yes to do so. Remember, no matter how hard you find it to adapt to the changes, never back out. The Wheel Of Fortune meaning clearly indicates that these are opportunities disguised as hurdles.

The Wheel Of Fortune Upright In Money Readings

With the upright Wheel Of Fortune cards in your financial reading, you must know that some unexpected changes are coming your way. If you have been enjoying financial stability for quite some time now, the Wheel Of Fortune strategy should be to save money for rainy days. Likewise, if your financial position has been painful, then embrace yourself for the good that is coming your way. The Wheel Of Fortune upright in money readings basically means that there will be a change in your, especially in aspects related to money. It is a sweet reminder of the fact that nothing stays forever, no matter how much you want it. The Wheel Of Fortune tarot card meaning also shows that it will be beneficial to stay flexible in your approach.

The Wheel Of Fortune Upright In Health Readings

The Wheel Of Fortune tarot meaning comes up as a signal that soon your condition will improve if you have been going through any illness. But at the same time, the Wheel Of Fortune upright in health readings strongly indicates that you should take a break and go easy on yourself. There are chances that too much exertion may lead to burnout. If you avoid and ignore all the hints that your body is giving you with the Wheel Of Fortune tarot card, some serious health issues may arise that will stop you forcefully. The basic theme of change remains the same even in the Wheel Of Fortune reversed appearance. So if you have received this card, it is high time to expect a change in your health. And also remember that with the Wheel Of Fortune tarot the universe wants you to show some self-love. Here, The Strength tarot card meaning is something that you can take inspiration from. It is a great reminder of courage, compassion, and inner strength.

The Wheel Of Fortune Upright in Spiritual Readings

In a Tarot card reading when the Wheel Of Fortune appears in the spiritual context, it is a good sign. It shows that fate is in your favor right now. It is the best time for you to get close to your inner self and grow spiritually with the Fortune wheel in your readings. But at the same time, the Wheel Of Fortune upright in spiritual readings does not want you to get lost too much into it that you could not see the real opportunities coming up for you. If you are looking for spiritual guidance in your life then the Wheel Of Fortune yes or no comes up as a big yes. Everything is falling just in place for you and you are getting divine signals all the time. The Wheel Of Fortune tarot card wants you to keep your senses open to identify the heavenly hints. Good things are coming your way with wheels of Fortune.

The Wheel Of Fortune Reversed Tarot Meanings

The Wheel Of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning – Upright and Reversed The Wheel Of Fortune Reversed Tarot Card Meanings
Reversed Love Reversed Career Reversed Finance Reversed Health Reversed Spirituality
Losing Control, External Factors Affecting Love Life, Stagnation Failures, Old Techniques and solutions, Unwelcome Changes Preparation For Loss, Change In Financial Position, Avoid Risks, Savings Other Aspects Affecting Health, Pessimism, Stressed Out, Resistance Negative Feelings, Losing Faith, Dark Days, Losing Connection  

General Meaning of Wheel Of Fortune Reversed

The appearance of reversed Wheel Of Fortune in a general tarot card reading is not welcoming. Unlike the Wheel Of Fortune tarot card meaning in the upright position, the Wheel Of Fortune reversed love card shows that there are problems in your relationship. Apart from that in any aspect of your life, the general meaning of Wheel Of Fortune reversed focuses majorly on the bad influence of external factors that hurts not only the relationships but your sentiments too. Here the Wheel Of Fortune strategy wants you to be patient no matter what you are going through right now, but your time will change. The only aspect where the Wheel Of Fortune meaning remains unaltered is in the Wheel Of Fortune reversed yes or no reading.

The Wheel Of Fortune Reversed in Love and Relationships Readings

When the Wheel Of Fortune tarot relationship card appears in a reversed position, it is a clear indication that your relationship is not running smoothly. All your efforts are nothing but wasted. With the Wheel Of Fortune reversed love card it is suggested that you should talk to your partner clearly and openly about your feelings and do not try to control the situation. The only hope with the Wheel Of Fortune reversed in love and relationships readings is that the time will change and soon things will be bright again. The Moon tarot card meaning is another one to avoid getting into love and relationship readings. It is primarily because of its secretive nature, but there are other reasons too.

The Wheel Of Fortune Reversed in Work and Career Readings

It is one of those major arcana tarot cards which when it appears as the Wheel Of Fortune reversed in work and career readings show imbalance. The Wheel Of Fortune cards here shows that your work requires ample changes and it is getting really difficult for you to adapt to these changes. It is best recommended to just go with the flow and do not expect the old solutions to work now. The Wheel Of Fortune as feelings in your professional life wants you to be hopeful and find your own ways to deal with the situation. [xyz-ips snippet="the-magician-or-emperor"]

The Wheel Of Fortune Reversed in Money Readings

Fortune Tarot card meaning in the financial readings in reversed position warns you about the financially difficult days that are coming your way. The Wheel Of Fortune reversed in money readings points towards the right time to start saving for your future. The Wheel Of Fortune tarot meaning in financial reading is there to tell you that soon your financial position is going to take a flip.  The card in combination, be it from the rest 21 Major Arcana or 56 Minor Arcana tarot cards, may offer more insights into the foreseen possibilities. And suppose if nothing happens, then also little savings never harmed anyone.

The Wheel Of Fortune Reversed in Health Readings

Health and fitness is one aspect of your life, but the Wheel Of Fortune card here shows that it will be impacted because of the disturbances in other aspects of your life. Although difficult, the Wheel Of Fortune reversed in health readings points towards the importance of being optimistic in your approach right now. This type of tarot card reading shows that you cannot control anything but how you react to a situation. So take advantage of that.

The Wheel Of Fortune Reversed in Spiritual Readings

The Wheel Of Fortune tarot here shows that you are developing a pessimistic attitude towards life and thinking that everything is going against you. Here you must know that the Wheel Of Fortune reversed in spiritual readings shows that no matter what you will always get what is meant for you. You just have to keep your faith intact. Also, utilize the powers of the Wheel Of Fortune as feelings cards to strengthen your connection with your higher self. If you are thinking that it is the only card with negative feelings when appearing in the reversed position, you should definitely know The Hanged Man tarot card meaning.

The Wheel Of Fortune As Feelings

If you want to know the Fortune tarot card meaning when it appears in the Wheel Of Fortune as feelings position them you are in luck here. This card shows that the Wheel Of Fortune reversed love or upright position means that your partner feels exactly the way you want them to feel about you. In the Wheel Of Fortune tarot relationship readings, you don’t even have to know your partner’s zodiac sign by name to be optimistic about your future. If you want to get to the details then it is a different thing, but otherwise, even in a free love tarot card reading, you can consider the Wheel Of Fortune as feelings as the positive card.

The Wheel Of Fortune Yes or No Readings

Overall, the Wheel Of Fortune is considered a very positive card in different types of tarot decks. Even if you take a free tarot card reading, the interpretation of the Wheel Of Fortune yes or no card always remains to be yes. No matter if it is a Wheel Of Fortune reversed yes or no, or what is the nature of your question, the answer remains unaltered. In the Wheel Of Fortune love reading or any other aspect of your life, it points towards change so whatever is happening right now is meant to change with one of these major arcana tarot cards in your reading. The Wheel Of Fortune, yes or no readings, has no ambiguity in their interpretation.
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FAQs About The Wheel Of Fortune

1. What Is Wheel Of Fortune?

The Wheel Of Fortune is the tenth major arcana tarot card in the deck of 78 cards. The Wheel Of Fortune strategy always tells you to be prepared for the unexpected. Also, it shows that nothing is permanent in life. If you are going through a bad phase then it will soon change. Similarly, if you have been living in affluence then be prepared for the bad times.

2. What Does The Wheel Of Fortune Tarot Card Mean?

This is a common question that people are generally curious to know. You must know that whether it appears in the Wheel Of Fortune tarot, love reading or any other aspect of your life, the theme of this card is ‘change.’ it points towards the time when the wheel of life will take a turn and turn the situations for you upside down. Whether the time is good or bad, it will change.

3. How Does Wheel Of Fortune Work?

The Wheel Of Fortune love card works on the principle that everything will change and nothing is permanent in life. In fact, this is not only applicable in your romantic life but every aspect of your life, be it financial, health, spiritual or other. The only exception remains the Wheel Of Fortune reversed yes or no readings where the answer remains a constant yes.

4. How To Read Fortune?

To know the person’s zodiac sign by name helps to establish a better connection between their horoscope and the cosmic vibrations that the card possesses. But it is not a compulsion as the Tarot card reader’s experience plays a significant role here. So whatever the situation is, reading the Fortune card is influenced by your energies. It is also applicable in the free love tarot card reading as well.
Written by

Kailash Saini

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